Monday 28 May 2012

Leaving to-night

The last day in New Zealand, Tuesday 29th of May. In a few hours Sanne and Nick will drop me off at the airport here in Wellington.
I feel weird with the idea that I left the house in Nelson and being sure that I will not come back there. Everything is open now and I am ready to jump in the UNKNOWN.
Having the night-flight to Kuala Lumpur, staying there a whole day for my next night-flight to Amsterdam. Catching up with an old colleague of Jan, a sea-captain as well.
Looking forward to see my brother and sister and niece in Holland.

Monday 7 May 2012

Akky's Travels

today May the 8th.
Busy with sorting out my travel insurance, cancellation of gas, water and electricity.
Talked with Nina about the next steps concerning the sale of the house.
Getting more excited.