Tuesday 28 August 2012

Edam, August 28th.

What happened in the last 3 weeks? A lot.....

I left France on the 3rd and my brother picked me up at Rotterdam airport. We spend quite some hours on the bike, went to Leiden and Delft (remember the movie: Girl with the pearl earring) the city were the dutch queens and kings are buried.

We were treated with the annual sailing Flower Parade and beautiful weather. sitting on the waterfront and enjoying all the beauty of Dutch flowers, fruits and vegetables in the most stunning themes and creations.
60 boats passed with music bands, ballet dancers, singers etc. It was one big happening

Delft, flower parade

look at the beautiful color arrangments

easter influence with Indian dancers

authentic flat bottom boat

market square in Delft

My brother had arranged a sailing trip on the Wadden Zee, part of the North Sea which is partly dry because of the low tide. Only 'old' boats can sail here because they have a flat bottom, called the 'brown fleet'. The trip was called: 'Island Hopper' means that we sailed from island to island, starting at Texel, to Terschelling and last one Ameland. During our stay on the islands we were on the bike or on the beach.
traditional sheep cottage on the island of Texel

Leaving Texel on the flat bottom boat the 'Avontuur' (adventure)

Oudeschild, the fish and leisure harbor of Texel, here we embarked the boat for our first trip to the other island.
The harbor Oudeschild, Texel
the boat in the background is of the same type as the Avontuur

brother and sister having lunch
Terschelling on the bike. When I took this photo of the wild horses, a new project on the island, I leaned unsuspectingly on the electric wire (no notification) and that was au...

The south part of the island, the Wadden Zee, dry land at low tide.

The kids caught dozens of crabs with a piece of rope and some bait on a peg, when the bucket was full we enjoyed the crab-race. Great fun
photo taken from the hostel, looking to West Terschelling.

what a beautiful sunset we had before the bad weather came from the south with lots of rain and thunderstorms
Again a perfect day, here on another boat, the 'Willem Jacob' on our way to Ameland
Everybody had to work on the boat, here my brother Ber coming back from the steering wheel
At low tide the seals find their sunny spots to relax and sun bathe.

What a fun to watch a 'stolen-dans' (chair dancing) with horse and riders.

On august 17th my darling daughter Sanne arrived at Schiphol airport Amsterdam, finished her Masters in Science (geology), engaged with Nick and now time for 3 weeks relaxing and enjoying her birth country. Here with her cousin Dirkje, my brother's daughter

Happy together.

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