Sunday 21 October 2012

farewelled by kids of the nursery class. For both Cynthia and me it was an emotional moment

A guy from Sweden, told me about the 5* Hyatt hotel, that people from 'outside' could stay around the swimming pool for Nrp 1200, which is NZ$18 for the whole day.
An oasis of tranquillity and luxury and that only 10 min walk from my 2* hotel in the Stupa.
Surrounded by corporate people and lazy tourists who might not have a clue what happens in the 'real' Kathmandu
Early morning Puja
 Kopan Monastery, only for monks and the residency of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. I booked myself the course in Buddhism and Meditation for 10 days.
Venerable ani Karen took the course, an amazing knowledgable lady, who wrote many books and translations. We were with 145 people from all over the world. 

One of the gardens with this beautiful Stupa

young monks from the age of 6 during play time. The monks have a strict regime of teachings, sports, arts and praying. Amazed how much knowledge these young boys have

Geshe Jampa Galtsen with the people who took refuge in the pathos the Buddha

many mala's (Buddhist rosary's) were blessed by the Geshe

After the course a stayed another 5 days with the nuns in the Kopan Nunnery. Here 350 nuns live, study and work. Geshe Jampa Tarchin, my teacher who now teaches in the area of Nelson, has been teaching here for  some time. He encouraged me to go the nunnery and talk and teach the nuns about healthy cooking.
Adorable young women who called me 'sis' or sister. We prepared meals together, went for walks and toured around. We had so much fun.
Patan, south of Kathmandu. A historic place with many temples, mainly Hindu. Above is a Buddhist temple.. This temple has exactly 1000 Buddha's 

Patan Durbar Square

A lady builder

Prayer wheels, this boy could just reach the wheels to give them a spin

I have seen many, many shops: small, dark. This one is the 'best'. He had it all; sweaters, warm jackets, socks, bra''s towels, underwear. You name it

One of the Public transports. A mini bus on 3 wheels and full is full, but apparently it is never full , you can always sit on each others lap. 20 people is normal

my dear friends ani Sangjy and ani Kalden. We shared cakes and drinks on one of our days out. What a feast that was.

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