Tuesday 2 October 2012

for many Nepali/Tibetan women stone cutting is their job.
They earn NZ$ 1.00 per day.
 From Kathmand I traveled to Jumla, a village in the norht-east of Nepal. One can only come here by plane, truck or mule. The so called 'high-way' is dangerous and many times closed because of landslides.
Here is the Kailash Bodi School, with Tashi as school principal. Tashi lived a comfortable life in Nelson for 3 years, used to our normal circumstances: hot shower, reasonable warm house, a car, flushing toilet and water from the tab. He gave up all this to go back to Nepal with his wife Tenzin to start a private school. The main reason for him was to keep the Tibetan tradition and the language alive
This school is sponsored by "In Time Trust", founded by Cynthia. We were together here in Jumla to be with the kids,  help out where ever needed and feel the need of the children and the people. There is so much to do here and it is hardly not to explain how life is in this forgotten part of the world with its beautiful, adorable and kind people.
stone cutting

always willing to give a smile

a weekly necessity to do the laundry in the river

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